Milk and Honey Magazine explains how to stand strong as Christian women when life is hard, our ex is dating a new girlfriend, or we get into a fight with our friends or parents!

Every Day Is Beauitiful

Paige Weslaski

Have minds that are alert and fully sober as obedient children. (1 Peter 1:13)

The Christian life calls us to pull up our sleeves by holding firm in our faith, however, this can often be easier said than done. 1 Peter 1 explains we are to be unlike the world; to have a separate lifestyle, separate thoughts, and separate boundaries. We are called to live different, think different, drink different, pray different, party different, enjoy different, worship different, love different, laugh different, study different, read different, listen different. We are expected to be different.

Peter shares we must stay "alert and sober" to keep our eyes exclusively on the Lord, ignoring the luring temptations of society or the foolish camouflage of social media – the "smoke and mirrors," so to speak. The Word explains how we're all Saints on this Earth for God to work through us to spread the message.

And sure, many of us know we're Christians – we believe in Jesus and the Bible, and we attended Sunday School and yada, yada. But, what about those days that we're just not "feeling it?" Those days when we don't love our bodies, our friends forget to call, our career hunt is endless, our ex is dating someone new, or we have a fight with our parents? How can we possibly rejoice when we feel worthless and unwanted?

We've all, gals, been there, feeling so down and out-of-reality that we shrug off God and focus on our immediate problems, getting self-consumed with our lives on Earth and forgetting the everlasting promise of the Savior. We're only humans, meaning that these days do happen, as unfortunate and (excuse me) down-right crappy as they may be.

However, as I dove deeper into thinking about my occasional "off days," I realized they used to be much more frequent. In fact, before I was saved, it was odd when I wasn't having "one of those days," concerned about a test or a boy or calorie or a (insert issue here). I've been a Christian for about seven years, and lousy days of insecurity, a lack of joy, or annoyance have become less and less common each year.

But, after reading 1 Peter 1, I came to understand how it's not me that's living within myself anymore, it's the Holy Spirit. Jesus died so we could live as a new creation. Just like He died and rose again, I have died to a sinful nature and opened my eyes to the monumental world of Christianity. I remember thinking "Wait, God is REAL?! He's really up there? He can really help me? He can really make me a new person and answer my prayers? Get out of town!"

Knowing how Jesus is working through us gives us the strength to overcome our worries, granting us the power to bypass problems with ease. He asks us to be "alert and sober" so He can use us, and He can only work fully through those who will open the door when He knocks (and, sidenote, He's often holding metaphorical cookie-dough with two spoons when He arrives).

When God was looking for a suitable king for the Israelites, for example, He explained that "I have found David, a man after my own heart."  The word 'found' means God was actively SEARCHING for someone like David, just like how today He's searching for women to use – like you and me, sweetheart!

He's not looking for perfect, Navy Seal Christians, but He IS looking for young women who will say YES to his beckoning calls; women who will put His will ahead of their own and ignore the worldly pulls; women who will trade the world's fading crown for His eternal one.

Off-days do happen, and God knows that. But, as Christian beauties, it's our job to see those days as blessed opportunities to shrug away the grooves of evil, dust off the enemy, and re-light the blaze of zeal and Holiness in our hearts.

Gold thats been put into a burning fire comes out no different than how it went in, proving that its pure. Lousy days are like a fire consuming our hearts, and only those who are truly righteous will distinguish the flames with a heart still beating for their one true love, Jesus. We all deal with tests of faith (welcome to life!), but through Him, our joy in the Lord will never be burned.

When you have a bad day, pray to the Father; He loves to help, and the enemy is no match for His love. Listen to His voice, and I bet it'll sounds something like this:

"Don't fret, my darling. You're exactly where I want you. Don't let the enemy slip you up. I'm proud of you, beloved daughter, and I want you to know that you never, ever have to worry about those bad days again. My staff will be all you need to walk through the darkest valley of death. You're my little lamb, and I am your shepherd. Follow Me, baby girl, into green meadows. Lie down in the rolling hills, listen to the waves of the ocean crash, and hear the bluebirds gently chirping in the trees. Know that I am in control. My Word is a shield from arrows of insecurity and doubt. My eyes can see your future, and by trusting in Me, I'll make sure that you end up right where you belong."
