Meet the Team

The Milk & Honey Magazine team explains their faith, life story, and dreams. Learn more about the team and how they make the magic happen!

PAIGE WOOD - Founder & Editor in Chief

➳ I grew up in Milwaukee and have since lived in New York, Los Angeles, Germany, Italy, and Guatemala. I’m a 2014 alumni of Pepperdine University in sunny Malibu where I accepted a pretty rad dude into my ❤ - Jesus! I became super stoked on Him and His awesomeness, and poof - M&H was launched with the fab ladies below!

I'm unashamed to admit I have a slight obsession with green juice and farmers markets. I'm a triathlete, a reader, a writer, and a hopeless romantic. I’m a total beach bum and a sucker for natural aloe-based beauty products and the old-fashioned living of the 1950's. I enjoy cooking super-duper health-nut foods, frolicking in the ocean, and deep chats about life with total strangers. I am rather even-keeled, but I do have a fairly spontaneous alter-ego (hehe). I'm the type of gal who'd like to carry a suitcase with me at all times just in case I need a quick getaway - traveling is such a joy for me. I have the most incredible husband on planet Earth, Nathan Wood, and the best daughter (my greatest joy), Ocean Wood!

I enjoy helping others know they truly belong - like you, princess. I'm as laid-back as can be, and I can tell we'll be besties. Let's grab a juice sometime, my treat!

The Milk & Honey Magazine team explains their faith, life story, and dreams. Learn more about the team and how they make the magic happen!

AMY CUMMINS - Managing Editor

➳ I grew up in Minnesota, but traded the snow for the sun in 2010 when I moved out to Los Angeles to pursue a career in media. I studied journalism and design at Pepperdine, and the rest, as they say, is history. I have since written for publications such as the Huffington Post, Darling Magazine, Malibu Magazine, Grit & Virtue, and my own blog,

Nothing delights me more than using media to chronicle and share the best of life’s simple pleasures. As a Christian, I believe Christ can be found in all things, and I love to generate dialogues that center on the awareness of His ever-present grace and the art of living well.

I am a natural optimist, an (early) morning person, and an INFJ dreamer. My sisters (I have five of them - and three brothers!) would describe me as a total tween at heart; I still subscribe to American Girl magazine (shhh), listen to early 2000s music and watch Lizzie McGuire way more than I’d like to admit.

The Milk & Honey Magazine team explains their faith, life story, and dreams. Learn more about the team and how they make the magic happen!

JULIA ISMAIL - Event Coordinator

➳ I currently bask in God’s glorious sunshine of Los Angeles. Under His wings, I am navigating my way through this sacred, beautiful journey we go through together called life. I’m so thrilled you got to meet my best friends on this page!!! Aren’t they fabulous?! I can’t wait until you meet them in person!!! I had the honor of meeting these extraordinary ladies at Pepperdine University, or the real life PCA for all my Zoey 101 sisters, while studying Rhetoric and Leadership.  When I first met Paige, we said we wanted to be “inspirational speakers,” & little did we know then that what we would be speaking about would be the truest inspiration of all- the unconditional, transforming power of Jesus’ love.

Jesus’ love has transformed my life, and every day gives me the miracle to experience God’s greatest love story of all time. I pray that His love can spread through the world, causing waves of transformation because as every good Disney movie captures: true love really does heals all. During my time at Pepperdine, I met Jesus (!!!), my guardian angel best friends, TJ - my future husband and the love of my life, and fell in love with an on-campus ministry called Wonderfully Made, helping women understand their value. After Pepperdine, God led me into the amazing arms of the Darling Magazine team as their Events Intern. Since then, I worked with girls through I Am That Girl and Girls on the Run.

After starting Bible college, working, and being a coach and teacher, I became ill and since have been thanking God for His marvelous grace to take time off to heal. All I can say is, ladies, He is SOVEREIGN!!! With all the help of my mom, we started 'Love Mail' and 'Meal + Gatherings' from our home. My dream is to be a married, dancing, women’s pastor wellness warrior, dedicating my life to spreading God’s message of real beauty, true health, and living in the space of His overwhelming love for us. May God bless you my sunshine lady bugs! You are fearfully, wonderfully, miraculously made!

The Milk & Honey Magazine team explains their faith, life story, and dreams. Learn more about the team and how they make the magic happen!

Nicole Kennedy - Storyteller 

➳ I was born and raised in Orange County, California. For college, I ventured up the coast to Pepperdine University, earning a BA in English Literature and a Vocal Music minor. I also studied abroad (in Switzerland, London, and Italy), became a leader in Campus Ministry, and began writing for the wonderful Milk & Honey Magazine. Next fall I plan to start law school, pursuing my goal to become a Nonprofit Attorney.

My favorite way to connect with God is through nature; hiking and watching sunsets on the beach inspire me to feel His presence in a tangible way. I love to travel, take long meandering strolls through new cities, and pop into charming bookstores and coffee shops along the way. Music is a huge part of my life, whether that means singing in choirs, seeing my favorite bands in concert, or just bursting into song at random times! Purple is my favorite color, and unicorns are my spirit animal… in my heart, I still believe in them.

I aim to live a life of balance, radiate Christ’s unconditional love, and express myself in a meaningful and authentic way. I pray that these words will inspire others to pursue a life of depth and purpose. Ultimately, God is the author of all good things; I’m just here to reflect His light as I share how He’s worked in me.

The Milk & Honey Magazine team explains their faith, life story, and dreams. Learn more about the team and how they make the magic happen!

Kelsey Alexander - Creative

➳ Whether it be through choreography, writing or teaching I am a creative and storyteller at heart. Two of my absolute favorite places in the world are being backstage before a performance or teaching opportunity or being seated on the living room floor of a small group meeting. Both of those places are near and dear to my heart because they are moments that are on the brink of something greater than ourselves. Before a set of choreography is demonstrated, a teaching is given or a discussion is had, it is the time where the culmination of all the prep, study and practice is now shared with the world. It is where our moments of worship continue from the private setting to the public, allowing us to invite others in and have the gospel shared.

After graduating in 2013 from Pepperdine University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion, I continued on to choreograph and teach dance throughout Los Angeles. Along the way, I began to work in Youth Ministry, later deciding to make the move to Seattle to work in bridal. Now the Lord has led me to Nashville, TN and I am excited for what He has in store! In all that I do, I am passionate about people knowing their value and love comes from the Perfect Love of God. I believe wholeheartedly nothing beats time with Jesus. Live music, long drives, and a dirty chai certainly tie for a close second.

The Milk & Honey Magazine team explains their faith, life story, and dreams. Learn more about the team and how they make the magic happen!

GINA MARTIN - Content Manager

➳ I was born and raised in a small town outside of the city of Chicago. I went to high school near the city, and then decided to attend college at Pepperdine University out in Malibu, California. While there, I pursued a major in English while also swimming for their Division I swim team. There, I started out swimming the sprint freestyle events, but in my sophomore year I switched to swimming the mile.

Being involved in such a wonderful, encouraging, and supportive swim team allowed me to lead small groups and Bible Studies weekly for my teammates. Leading these groups is what ultimately inspired me to continue on for my masters in counseling psychology. I am currently pursuing a career as a therapist at Northwestern University, back in Chicago. I have never felt more sure of God’s path for me.

Two and a half years ago, I married my best friend, and we have been starting out life together with our little dog, McDuff, in Hyde Park, near the University of Chicago because my husband is working full time there, and attending their business school to earn his MBA.

We are prayer warriors together, and believe that anything can be accomplished through Christ. During this difficult season of graduate school, and living on our own, we have seen Christ through the struggles, though it may not always be easy. I love sharing my testimony, and building community among God’s people, and truly trying my hardest to be a light for Christ.

The Milk & Honey Magazine team explains their faith, life story, and dreams. Learn more about the team and how they make the magic happen!

Savannah Janssen - M&H Europe

➳ I was born in The Netherlands where I only stayed for three years of my life. That's when the real journey began. My parents, being the traveling globetrotter business couple that they are, moved to various places within Europe when I was younger. So, to ask me where my home really is, well that's a tough one. Home is where the heart is, as they say. But in my case my heart has been many places, hence I have made a home in numerous spots on this wonderful planet called earth.

As part of this wonderful journey, I moved to Los Angeles, California where I met the amazingly talented and precious soul, Paige, at Pepperdine University. I graduated with a degree in Religion and German. While I soaked up every inch of California sunshine and loved the easiness of LA, I always felt called to return back to Europe.

Currently, I am pursuing my Masters of Divinity through distance learning at Moody's Theological Seminary while working full time in ministry at a church plant that is part of the ICF movement in Europe. I live in the marvelous and exciting city of Vienna and lead the workshop ministry at our church, as well as some design and translating aspects- just the little things that need to be done. The dream that God has placed within my heart has always been some form of teaching. I aim to pursue my degrees to be able to teach hungry and fascinated students in higher education settings in the area of theology. I guess that is really what makes my heart beat and my clock tick. My family calls me a passionate nerd - guess I can't deny the title.

Besides my pile of books, I love to write, study philosophy, explore new natural cosmetics and anything that screams organic-goodie-for-your-body, theologize (as in meditate on the selfless and most perfect love of God and His beautiful manifestations of grace and mercy), experience nature, and indulge in the soul-soothing presence of my friends, family, and my boyfriend whom I have been blessed with for four years.

Milk and Honey Magazine writer Kourtney Gage


➳ I was born and raised in Bentonville, Ar. I lived in Seattle Washington for a little over a year but have always been a Bentonville girlie! I grew up with three brothers and an older sister, and two amazing parents. Our household was filled with laughter and lots of Just Dance battles! My home away from home is in Springfield Missouri where I started my first year of college at Evangel University. I am now finishing my Psychology Degree online but will always love my Evangel family. 

For as long as I can remember, I've loved to write. I had the amazing blessing of publishing my first book in May of 2021 called "The Race You Don't Have to Run" and I am so excited to say, im currently working on more. Besides writing I love to run! I've been a runner for the last 11 years. I started running with Girls on the Run my 5th grade year and went all the way to being a collegiate runner. You can catch me now just running the beautiful trails here in Bentonville. I love playing the piano, watching "Little House on the Prairie", sitting at coffee shops drinking an Iced Chai Latte, and playing with my cute little dog Jojo! 

I gave my life to Christ in 2020 after he healed me from the struggle of anorexia. All throughout high school I struggled with body image and had lots of anxiety. However, the Lord healed me and set me FREE! Ever since then the Lord gave me the gift of speaking. Sharing my testimony and preaching the word. I am following his dream of writing more and sharing my faith. I can't wait to walk this beautiful journey of life with you all. Let's go have an amazing day!