Spiritual Coma < His Love

Krystell Caycedo

There are times, as young women, when we just 'go with the flow' and follow the World (and more than likely that "flow" is not of God or from God) and we get lost.

We have distractions, we have struggles, we are popping pills, our past hunts us, we can’t get off social media (meaning we're constantly comparing our lives to others & "we don't have what she has"), we are in an abusive relationship, we don't have that car/house we want, we struggle with what the future may have for us... and we get so caught up in those situations that we can't get closer to Him through the chaos we live in.  

But, listening closely to God through the Word, He'll shows us the True Life he's got planned - apart from the broken one we're living in. And often, those "God moments" can happen in the middle of the night.

It's those moments when everything is quiet and He wakes us up. That moment when He shakes the ground and awakens our soul, in a way that only we will feel, the way only He knows we will be awaken. That is the moment in silence where He will speak the loudest in a silent, deep, and personal way, the way we will not be able to ignore and all of our questions of who we are in Him get answered Biblically all at once. It's powerful and intimate.

In Hebrews 4:12, the author writes: “For the Word is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edge sword, it penetrates even to dividing souls spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the toughest and attitudes of the heart.” That is such powerful truth; the Word is alive and active and God can penetrate our hearts through it.

Many questions come to us: why did I get abandoned as a kid, why did I suffer so much, why did my marriage not work, why did I not get that job I need, why did he break up with me, why do I cut myself, why do I feel so sad, why do I have to be addicted to (...), why do I have an eating disorder, why did I stay in that petrifying abusive relationship, why did I have that abortion? All of those real and raw questions that we are so scared and deeply ashamed to ask out of fear no-one will listen or answer us!

That shame that consumes us, all of that is the lie from the enemy. That moment of quietness, that moment when we finally let God speak into us, from the deepest part of our soul... that's the moment of intimacy He so badly wants with us. When the enemy no longer has that stronghold on us, when no longer are we blinded by his lies and no longer do we hear his torment. That moment when God takes the blindfold off us and answers so loudly and clearly. All we need to do is listen, repent of our sins, ask for forgiveness, and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. He has been there, we just haven't stopped to listen. All of those questions and the answers we seek can be answered.

All it takes is for us to go to the secret place with God, that place only He can meet us. Because, truly, nothing (and no one) can give us the fulfillment we are seeking for. Only Christ.

Trust me, I know it's hard to trust after so many heart breaks and past hurts. I know it hurts, but I also know it’s so worth it. I have been there, in places I can't believe the enemy took me to. But I can guarantee you (you, the one reading this) that secret place, that intimate place where God woke me up at, is the same place He wants to meet you at. That place I never knew I could come out of. However, today I sit here, confidently writing about His love. He wants to do the same for you.

Through the Word of God, His words are tattooed in my heart. We don't get told enough that Jesus Christ died for our sins, to give us salvation!

We can only find that redemption that we so badly desire in Him, that freedom we seek through addiction and all the mess of the world. The transformations He performs are from the inside out.

For the tears we've cried, the Bible tells us in the book of Psalm 56:8: “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” That's how precious we are to our Father. He will turn our tears into treasures, serving as a testimony to others. His love will be so evident.

All it takes is to allow God to come in and awaken your soul. Waking you up from the spiritual coma!

Today, I pray God does a radical transformation inside you, that you let Him in those secret places only you know, to heal you. Nothing you will confess will make Him love you less, you are everything to Him. He will cover you with a blanket of peace.

That broken heart you have, He will repair with His endless love. 

I pray today you just rest in His grace and mercy. If you don’t know God, I pray you ask Him into your heart.

Prayer to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior:

Father, I pray today you come into my life, I am a sinner, I ask for Your forgiveness and I desire to know you deeply. I believe Your son died and rose from the dead. I turn from my sin and I invite you to come into my heart and life. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior today. I lay all that I am at the feet of the cross, my pain, my past, the hate I feel in my heart. Mold me to be who You have created me to be. I thank you for awakening me from the spiritual coma I was under. In Jesus's name I pray, AMEN! 

Get to know Krystell! xo
