

Milk and Honey Magazine's travel guide to Fort Lauderdale, Florida! Where to watch the sunrise, which hotel to stay at, where to grab a coffee, and where to get a workout in!

Ft. Lauderdale Travel

Having grown up in gorgeous Fort Lauderdale, I'm confident to say I know the Southern Florida area like the back of my hand. Currently working as a real estate agent and event planner, I'm always out and about, discovering new hidden gems around the gorgeous city. From my favorite secret coffee shop hideaway to the (not so secret) place to watch the sunset, I'm proud to present to you... Fort Lauderdale.

Milk and Honey Magazine's travel guide to Minneapolis: where to stay, what to eat, where to adventure, and how to enjoy the fabulous city! Traveling is a joy, girlfriend!

Minneapolis Travel Guide

Having spent 4+ years adventuring around Minneapolis during my time at the University of Minnesota, it's fair to say I know the city inside and out. From the hidden gem running trails to the perfect Saturday night hotspots to yummy brunch waffles, I have got you covered, girlfriend. Enjoy your time in the Land of Lakes!

Milk and Honey Magazine's perfect Malibu vacation! The best hotels, restaurants, green juices, and shopping in Malibu!

Vacation to Malibu

Malibu, California is the quintessential cozy beach town, and it doesn't hurt that it's dripping with Hollywood socialites. Having spent a few years in Malibu for college, I can wholeheartedly say it is my home and always will be. Here's M&H hacks on the best Malibu vacation known to man.

Milk & Honey Magazine's travel tips for Chicago!

Chicago Travel Guide

The Windy City, the city of Big Shoulders, the City that Never Sleeps

...all of these things are true about the great city of Chicago, the home of my husband and me. Many have been known to say that Chicago is the best compromise between New York and Los Angeles, and as a Chicago native, I would have to agree. There are so many wonderful places to visit on your trip to the “Second City” and I want to share some of my personal favorites with you. 

Milk and Honey interviews travel couple on Europe vacation tips!Milk and Honey Magazine interview with Couples Coordinates on the best destinations to travel as a couple in Europe, best hotels in Europe, best cities in Europe, vacation tips in Europe, how to live in Europe!

Couple's Coordinates

Married couple Michael and Alexandra do not take their dreams lightly. Infact, they don't stay dreams for long - they quickly materialize and end up on Instagram with 17,000 likes (all stimulated by pure envy, I may add). They follow their curiousities, they explore, and they conquer.

Milk and Honey Magazine gets the details on the perfect Hawaii vacation from expert travel guide Chelsea Tom!

Honolulu Travel Guide

"Be the aloha you wish to see in the world." Growing up in Hawaii, this was always one of my favorite quotes. Hawaii has a thick culture of love, inclusion, and tranquility, and it's no wonder why those born and raised on the islands call it the "best place in the world."

From fitness to food to shows to nights out with family and friends, the Hawaiian islands are an escape for locals and visitors alike.
