Faith tips when you're overwhelmed, depressed, or anxious. How can you get better? Learn these tips for resting with God from Milk and Honey Magazine!

God's Healing Power Lies in Rest

Whitney Webb

What does it mean to sit and be still? Is it actually sitting and doing nothing? Because let’s be honest, there is no way our minds can be still and not think about the hard work day we just had or focus on the stress of paying a bill with a paycheck that barely covers the rent. Maybe your mind and heart are racing with thoughts and feelings of a heartbreak, and you get hit with a wave of tears randomly throughout the day.

I’ve been there through it all. The 60+ hour work weeks, not knowing if you will be able to provide enough money to make rent or buy food, feeling so heartbroken and not knowing if that pain will ever end. In those moments, you can’t see a way out of those thoughts. Working yourself beyond your limits and the emotions on overdrive are draining you mentally, emotionally, and physically. You may even feel like your spiritual life is empty because you can’t seem to see God amidst the chaos. I’m here to tell you that you are not alone in this season that is literally and figuratively plummeting your energy.

So many women are pushing their limits to prove themselves, provide for their home, be that single momma, and be the strong, independent woman. When did women forget that they will always need someone? Someone to pull her aside and say,

“Hey, I see you and all the hard work you are doing. I can tell that you are tired and need rest. I’m here to take over so you do not have to feel as though it is all yours to bear. Give me the burdens of your heart. Tell me everything that is on your mind. I want to hear, and I want to know it all. Share it with me, please. I want you to know it is okay to sit and rest. If you need physical rest, I can give you that. I can give you that if you need mental or emotional rest. I see you feel spiritually drained as well. The good news is, I Am here. Come to me all who are heaven and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

I won’t lie; I teared up writing this little letter from God. To the woman who needs to hear it, He is with you. Do not burden yourself with all the heavyweights. We were not created to carry it all or to control it all. This world wants to tell you to be that "strong, independent woman." God wants to remind you that you are His. He will give you the strength you need. And you are never alone because He is always with you.

As I write this, I look back at this year as it is half over. And ladies, I have tried to carry the weight of the world on my own. I am not proud to say that, but I am so blessed that God stepped in my way and had me sit down. He told me to rest in Him. 

This week, I deleted the social media apps from my phone to silence the world. I have begun to have quiet time morning and night because I need to hear from God multiple times daily. I even set alarms on my phone every hour to remind myself to pray because I definitely do not pray enough. I know I do not invite Him into my troubles like I should.

My encouragement is this, ladies: silence the world. Talk to God more through prayer. Dive into His Word more than just 15 minutes a day. Keep worship music (with words or just instrumental) playing as much as possible. Anoint your home with oil, invite Christ into it, and cast the enemy out. Fill your home and yourself with His love and rest. He has the answer to everything you are carrying. Never walk alone and be an "independent woman"; instead, walk with God in a deep, loving relationship. See the difference in yourself and your life when He is your main focus rather than the overflowing thoughts of debt, heartbreak, and work. I love you, sis, and God loves you too. You are never alone and never have to carry a heavy burden alone. EVER. AGAIN.

Whitney Webb (pictured above) is a Master’s student pursuing her degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Her dream is to help people find healing through the only one who can heal us, God. She has a heart for Jesus, ice cream and her family!
