Calling all mamas: have you ever felt like you didn't measure up? Overwhelmed? Welcome to the club, and know that you are in luck, because we linked up with Becky Keife, the author of No Better Mom for the Job, to show us just how adequete (and perfect for the job) we are!
No Better Mom for the Job is for any mom who has ever felt inadequate--who loves her kids fiercely but sometimes thinks another mom would do a better job in her shoes. Becky Keife knows the ups and downs of motherhood. And she has learned along the way and from other mamas that it doesn't work to try to do more or be better. Confidence comes from leaning on the One who made you a mother.
Through the life-giving read, you'll discover lots of gems for your treasure chest:
– exchange negative internal dialogue for joyful gratitude
– identify and celebrate your one-of-a-kind mom strengths
– establish boundaries that set you and your child up for success
– recognize evidence of God's work in your life and growth in your kids
My faith is integral to my writing! I’ve known I was a writer since I was a little girl, but several years ago I felt a very specific call from the Lord to a ministry of words. That ministry takes the form of sharing personal stories, practical encouragement, and biblical truths from pages and stages to equip and empower women to know God and walk closely with Him. It’s also through writing that I am better able to understand the lessons God is teaching me, as well as more fully rely on His strength! I couldn’t have written No Better Mom for the Job without God’s provision of energy, clarity, and creativity!
At my very first writers conference I heard an editor say something that I’ve never forgotten: “Only write the book you can’t not write.” In other words, don’t just write a book because it’s a good idea; only write the message that compels you, the story you just have to get out of you. I have lots of books in my heart but No Better Mom for the Job was the first that I couldn’t not write. It’s born of the stories and encouragement that I’ve been speaking and writing about for years that hundreds of women have nodded “me too” to. I started by combing through my own archives — old blog articles, social media posts, and speaking notes — and remembering the truths and stories that transformed me most and resonated deeply with others.
I wrote No Better Mom for the Job because it was the book I wish I would have had as a new mom. More than a decade into motherhood, it’s the message I still need. It speaks to those who are thankful for their life yet find deep discontentment has somehow taken root. It’s for those who are constantly surrounded by their kids yet feel an unexpected loneliness and aching isolation. It’s for the moms who are ashamed that the people they love the most can bring out their worst. For the ones who love their kids fiercely yet wonder if another woman would do a better job in their shoes. I wrote this book by first living through the need and discovering the solution. Finding the cross-section between addressing a reader’s felt need and your own story, experience, or intense curiosity is the sweet spot for unearthing solid ideas.
My best advice for aspiring writers is to do the one next thing. Whether you want to write a book, start a business, pursue a degree, or land your dream job, start by being faithful with the one next thing in front of you. Don’t compare your beginning or middle to someone else’s finish line. (I’ve done that before and it’s never helpful.) My book No Better Mom for the Job is the culmination of years of writing in my journal, on a small blog, on social media, for other publications, and speaking to groups large and small. The journey to wherever we want to go rarely (never?) looks like a straight line. You can’t control the whole road, but you can listen closely to God’s voice and be faithful to the one next thing He’s asking you to do. Your steps of faithfulness will add up. Take one small step forward today.
Psalm 9:1 is a verse I always hold close: “I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders.” It’s a continual reminder that I want to spend my life showing gratitude for who God is and shining a light on His fingerprints in my life so that others may come to know Him too.
Becky Keife is the Community Manager for DaySpring’s (in)courage, a widely followed online community where authentic, brave women connect deeply with God and others. She is also a popular speaker for MOPS groups and other women’s events, and is the author of the new book, No Better Mom for the Job: Parenting with Confidence (Even When You Don't Feel Cut Out for It). Becky is a huge fan of Voxer, Sunday naps, and moms in the thick of it. She and her husband live near Los Angeles where they enjoy hiking sunny trails with their three spirited sons. Learn more at and connect with Becky on Instagram @beckykeife