Milk and Honey Magazine interview with Jaime McLaughlin learning about beauty, makeup, and self-care for moms - all while keeping Christ first!

Is Self-Care Okay?

M&H Staff

Self-care is a taboo word amongst Christian circles. While it's important - vital, even - to keep our perspectives outward-focused on serving the world in a Christ-like way, it's also important to feel comfortable in one's own skin. We believe feeling confident comes first from Christ, but also with how we take care of ourselves, through health, wellness, and care. Take Proverbs 31, for example: it shares how a Godly woman is clothed in strength and dignity. Dignity can absolutely come from how we take care of our bodies and our appearance. And that's where women like Jaime McLaughlin come into play.

Jaime - a beauty expert focused on educating other moms in a practical, loving way - teaches moms how to implement simplified self-care strategies to boost their confidence and navigate the beauty industry with ease. Because, let's be honest, ladies - in the world of Facebook, Instagram, and keeping up with the Jones's (about a million of them online) - we can easily get down on ourselves about our appearance.

Jaime became a mom at 18-years-old and was challenged with bad relationship after bad relationship. Through poverty and an endless amount of rejection, Jaime kept her faith at the forefront. Holding tightly to Jesus, she knew she wanted to serve Him any way she could, and she felt she could do-so best through helping women feel beautiful on both the inside and out. Let's learn more about Jaime and her online beauty courses!

Hi, Jaime!

Milk and Honey Magazine interview with Jaime McLaughlin learning about beauty, makeup, and self-care for moms - all while keeping Christ first!

What sparked your desire to educate other moms?

Prior to creating and teaching online courses, I educated fellow women in aspects of beauty - just in person. Although I was hired to do hair and makeup for a special event, it would almost always turn into a lesson and me explaining what products I was using and how I used them. I loved seeing my clients transformations and how just a little bit of hair and makeup affected their confidence, attitude and desire to engage in more conversation.

Most of the time, women were just not confident in that area and a lot of the times they felt it was vain and that they weren’t worthy of the time and resources it took to “look good daily”. Which is how my Self Care Challenges were born. I realized I really needed to help women, world wide, shift their perspectives and start to comprehend the importance of caring for and honoring themselves. It is way bigger than just doing your makeup and working out. It is about learning easy, sustainable ways to fill yourself up and make yourself feel confident.

As a person who has been a young, single mom to where I am at now being married with 4 kids - I know what it’s like to need some help. To need someone to guide you and direct you. Women don’t need to think about one more thing. Moms are struggling with decision fatigue and already take on a huge amount of emotional stress trying to just survive. So it is really important to me to be able to provide feasible support - virtually- that anyone can access at any time that is convenient for them. At this stage of motherhood - we need simple, affordable and realistic. And being able to provide that for thousands of women worldwide is a dream come true.

You’ve struggled through poverty, bad relationships, etc. How did you overcome that?

Early on in life, it was a real struggle to see the beauty in the pain. I think anyone can attest to the doubt and fear that you have to work through during really difficult times. But the only way that I was able to push through is by leaning on Christ and depending completely on Him. There were some very dark times where I didnt know if I could pay our electricity bill and God would show up in the most amazing ways through a job or someone calling me out o the blue telling me “I don’t know why, but the Lord has really been showing me that you need some help”. I think I really started to comprehend that He was my ultimate provider and that he would carry me through.

I also realized that having mentors is vital to growth. You have to have a community of trusted people that you can be humble with and totally honest about your real thoughts, your desires, your questions, and your doubts. Even when they aren’t pretty. Having people who have been through your season already, and have come out successful will be able to see the steps you are walking and help guide you and direct you closer to Christ and closer to financial success, marriage success, parenting success or any other area of success. I think a lot of young people depend on their peers for advice and conversation and while that is nice sometimes, I have learned that your best source of wisdom and knowledge is from someone wiser than you and a bit older. So to recap - it takes humility, honesty, a true desire for change, a willingness to receive correction, direction  and advice, lots of faith, mentors and patience. God really does make all things beautiful in his time, and as cliche as it is - his timing is always perfect.

Milk and Honey Magazine interview with Jaime McLaughlin learning about beauty, makeup, and self-care for moms - all while keeping Christ first!

How has your faith guided your path?

My faith has guided my path in so many ways, some being mentioned above. God has really put some incredible people and experiences in my path that have helped be the “bumpers”.  Essentially - keeping me where I need to be. By having a strong trust in Him - that I am his Daughter, He loves me and wants me to have an abundant life - I have been able to trust Him. And trust that he will use all experiences - even the bad ones - for my good. I have been able to walk through some hard times not knowing what my future will hold or having a definitive plan for my life and still know that everything will be ok.

How can we, as women, use our talents to empower others?

I think the first step is a belief in ourselves. For some reason, women tend to think that we have to be 100% qualified before we can step into a job, position, career, etc. But that is what is holding most women back. It’s not about waiting for perfect circumstances or until you know every single thing. It is about being willing to step into what we are feeling led to do. God will equip us for the things he is calling us into. He just wants us to be obedient. Even when it’s scary and feels a bit crazy. And we have to be willing to learn. One quality that I have that has served me well over the course of my career is my willingness to learn from every situation. I love that some people have more experience from me, or better contacts or more information...I don’t want to be the smartest person in the room all the time! I love teaching women but I also love (just as equally) learning new things for myself that I can eventually pass down as well.

We need to step into what we feel led to do and trust that we have the resources we need to complete the task + job at hand. And have really pure motivations. Although I totally want to be in a great place financially - I also love being able to come alongside other women and support them.

Who are your tutorials courses for?

My beauty courses are essentially for anyone who wants a comprehensive but simple way of learning how to get themselves ready. But, I try to really cater to moms who need the foundational skills given to them quickly and efficiently. My Self Care Challenges are aimed at moms who have totally lost themselves in motherhood and need some help, motivation and personal coaching on how to master their mindset and implement stress free ways of caring for themselves - even in the midst of the natural chaos of raising babies.

Milk and Honey Magazine interview with Jaime McLaughlin learning about beauty, makeup, and self-care for moms - all while keeping Christ first!

How can we overcome needing to always feel ‘insta-perfect?’

As far as our image, the only thing that matters when it comes to our outside appearance is how it makes us feel and act. Different things make different people feel beautiful. While one person may feel beautiful in workout clothes and no makeup - someone else may feel beautiful totally dressed up with hair and makeup. We have to understand that there is no “perfect”. Perfection is a lie and a myth that stands in the way of true joy and contentment.

Everyone has their own story behind their images, their outfits, their success. And we have no idea what it took for that person to get to that point.  

Regardless of Instagram and social media, I truly believe that women have always struggled with comparison and perfection. It is definitely elevated now that we see more on social media, but we need to realize that sometimes it is a good thing to be aware of how other people live. When we see someone else doing something better - instead of automatically thinking about ourselves and our lack, we should shift our focus to them and think,  “wow, they have really mastered meal prepping.” Then take it a step further and say to them, “gosh, I love how well you meal prep! That is not my strength, but I would love to learn. Will you help me?” Humility goes a long way! We have to be willing to be honest and transparent with everyone we come into contact with!

My husband is always shocked at how honest I am when people ask me questions, even on social media. But, I believe that if I am going to answer, I am going to answer honestly. So when small talk happens and someone says, “how are you today” and I am truly not good that day - I say that! I say, “I am struggling today!” I think we really need to cut down on the small talk, even on social media. We need to be totally honest and real and show all sides of life. Because all of it is beautiful and has a purpose.

I also think that it is important to embrace failure. Failure is vital to success and most people try to hide their failures and their mistakes. The more we embrace it and utilize it as a tool that can truly teach us massive lessons and catapult us into a bright future - the more we will be able to come alongside other people and help them embrace failure or imperfection as well.

Learn more about Jaime's courses!
