
Milk and Honey Magazine explains how Jesus, even through a cup of coffee, can refine us like fire through sanctification of His love, peace, and joy.

Refined By Fire

“Good morning sweet boy," I said as I smiled at my son. It was a typical morning, waking up to fresh air and thinking about what God would have for me. I was preparing for my day as usual. I had been loving the mornings; sweet time with the Lord and running early so I could set the pace for the rest of the day.

Milk and Honey Magazine presents a three day Bible study and reflection on Psalm 23 for women – "The Lord is my shepherd. I lack nothing"! Jesus can help heal your worry, stress, and anxiety, lovely girl.

A 3 Day Journey: Psalm 23

Over the next three days, we will be taking time to meditate on Psalm 23. My prayer is for us to set aside time to quiet our hearts and open our minds to the things God has to reveal to us about who He is and what He is doing in and through our lives. I’d encourage you to write down any thoughts, questions and prayers you may have pertaining to this passage. It might be a good way to spark conversation with a dear friend or another way for you to deepen your prayer time with the Lord.

Milk and Honey Magazine advice on waiting on God for the right husband, life plans, a job, or a future. As Abraham waited, God asks us to wait on Him!

She Who Waits On God Loses No Time

"He's definitely not for you," my dad shared about Will*. As I opened my Bible that night, I knew I had God's confirmation, too. "Listen to your father who gave you life" (Proverbs 23:22). I broke things off the next morning, a tear coating my cheek.

Milk and Honey Magazine article on overcoming an eating disorder and anorexia using the teachings of truths of Jesus through the Bible.

Seeing Ourselves Through God’s Mirror

Let’s go back a few years together. I was 14 years old, and I’d just lost 50 lbs in a matter of a couple months for no reason other than I'd basically stopped eating. I knew exactly how many calories I was eating at all times, I skipped social gathers where I knew I would be tempted to overindulge, I was in the gym every single day (slightly dizzy, but you better believe I was going to be there). I was consumed with my body image, and then I remember one day looking in the mirror and weighing myself. I was 5 ft. 10 in and 110 pounds. It freaked me out!

Milk and Honey Magazine - dating and finding love during coronavirus is not an easy feat. It is, however, a wonderful time to seek time, peace, and love from Jesus Christ through Bible study!

Love in the Time of Coronavirus

In the span of a few months, coronavirus has seemingly brought the world to its knees by perpetuating illness & death and disrupting regular routines. Coronavirus is now ubiquitous for “social distancing,” “self-isolation,” and “shelter in place.” In the context of dating, coronavirus seems to present a no-win dilemma for those seeking love; if I cancel the date, I risk dying alone; if I go on the date, I risk dying now.

Milk and Honey Magazine discusses how trusting God – even when stranded on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru with girlfriends during COVID-19 – is possible when you trust God's promises, love, Bible verses, and salvation.

God Delights In You

About a month ago, five friends of mine and I traveled to Peru. We had this trip planned for months and could not wait to see Macchu Piccu and explore the country. Coworkers would say things like “Good luck getting back” and “I would not go if I was you”. I’m someone who does not choose to live in fear, someone who wants to think positively, and I did not get absorbed into the panic. At the time we were leaving, there was 1 reported case of coronavirus in Peru. It was safer to be there than in the United States, or so I thought.

Milk and Honey Magazine provides 5 steps to get over jealousy through prayer and the Bible. Learn how to get over jealousy!

Five Ways Jealousy Steals Your Joy

Jealousy: A third party, a rival, competing for, stealing something that is or should have been yours.

Milk and Honey Magazine explains how to find God's peace, Bible verses, and trust amidst the anxiety and fear of the coronavirus.

Love That Fills the Distance

“Love thy neighbors,” scripture says. (Mark 12:31) It’s instinctual for us to think of community and togetherness.

Hugs. Handshakes. “Healing high-fives” -- as my husband would say.  

But, in times like these (amidst the coronavirus), how do you express that love to others? When tragedy has spread to every corner of our world and our only solution is separation and isolation -- how do we still love others?

Milk and Honey Magazine shares Wonderfully Made's version of God's love letter to his daughters!

God's Love Letter to YOU

My Child, 

You may not know me, but I know everything about you. Psalm 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up. Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways. Psalm 139:3
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. Matthew 10:29-31

Feeling lonely? Bible Scriptures from Milk and Honey Magazine to combat loneliness, anxiety, and depression! Girl – JESUS LOVES YOU!

Scriptures To Heal Loneliness

Everyone, young and old, has felt a form of loneliness in some capacity. Even Jesus, during His time on Earth, experienced loneliness. But God gives us a promise – He will NEVER leave us or forsake us! We are always in the palm of His hand, loved and adored in ways we didn't even think possible. Loneliness is just part of the journey, but there are ways to combat it – God's Love Letter (AKA the Bible!)
