
Milk and Honey Magazine tips on combining social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, you name it) and Jesus Christ!

Staying Rooted in ✝ on Social Media

The Lord speaks about living truthfully and full of praise, and social media is a wonderful avenue to share His love. I definitely want to note that I am not an expert – I have many imperfections, I am so hard on myself at times, and I am always learning, but I pray we can take these truths and wisdom from our Creator into our day to day, and even tuck them in our back pocket for when we need a reminder in the incredible days to come that He's paved before us.

Enjoy these tips to keep Christ at the forefront online and in "real life!"

Milk and Honey Magazine article on how Sundays are a day to rest, relax, read Scripture, and find peace!

Sundays = Rest Days

I struggle with the whole concept of "rest."

I'm one to want to keep going all the time and do multiple things in order to busy my mind, in order to not slip into thoughts the enemy so plentifully floods my brain with. Much like Parks and Rec's beloved Chris Traeger says; "if I keep my body moving and my mind occupied at all times, I will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair" - I can't say I'm as dramatic and grandiose as Mr. Traeger, but I very much relate to what he says here. 

Securely His ☝

Right around seventh grade is when the voice of “you’re not good enough” began to whisper in my ear.  It came through comments and snickers of fellow classmates and sometimes even people I considered friends. Comments like, “she’s ugly,” “her nose is too big,” and “she dresses funny” began to tarnish what I thought about myself. The voice was persistent enough that I began to believe what other people thought about me, and gave into the pressure of wanting to be liked at any cost.

Call It What You Want ♬

Taylor Swift released another single from her new album a few weeks ago. The song Call It What You Want is about her relationship with her boyfriend, explaining how he makes her feel special and loved. He doesn't care about her reputation, and he loves her just as she is.

Milk and Honey Magazine explains that reading the Bible, praying, having like-minded friends, and making a vision board will lead to encouragement and LIFE abundant!

Staying Encouraged

We’ve all heard these responses before: “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” or “don’t cry over spilled milk” — yea, because normal people cry over things like that. Without much thought, we anticipate that the response (when we share our struggles) will be “it’ll get better,” “pray about it,” or “God’s going to work it out." But sometimes words just aren’t enough when you’re feeling discouraged or down!

Milk and Honey Magazine explains the Bible book of Esther and how we can learn to trust God just like Esther did through courage, faith, and Christian friends.

"Such A Time As This"

Have you ever felt yourself at the right place at the right time?

Where you knew without a doubt that God was behind the scenes strategically opening doors to help you fulfill His purpose for your life?

You can clearly see the hand of God in the book of Esther when she became Queen and was faced with helping to save her people, the Jews, from being annihilated by the King’s head-honcho, Haman.

Milk and Honey Magazine: Jesus can fill that loneliness, sadness, and emptiness, gorgeous girl. God loves you and will make you feel whole, worthy, and beautiful.

To The Girl Who Feels Empty

Hey friend, I know that things are hard right now. You feel lost and directionless. You feel lonely and unwanted. You project a strong, organized exterior, showing everyone how you have it all together, but when you take down those walls at night, you feel heavy and sad. 

And it's left a gaping hole inside of you. You've convinced yourself that as soon as that hole is filled, you'll be invincible; no one and no thing will be able to break you. But nothing can break you now, either, because you already feel broken. 

Milk and Honey Magazine explains how valuable you are, dear girl, in God's eyes! His Bible is a love letter showing His love for you!

Know Your ✟rue Value

Worth: the value equivalent to that of someone or something under consideration; the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated.

What are you worth? Or to be a little bit more real, what is the level at which you deserve to be valued and rated?

Milk and Honey Magazine interviews Erin Weidemann, the founder of the book series Bible Belles, on faith, overcoming cancer, and writing her book series!

Bible Belles

Erin Weidemann, creator and author of Bible Belles, is a five-time cancer survivor and a total warrior for Christ. The heavily popular book series she created is everything your 5 year old self would adore, as it highlights women in the Bible who were strong, confident, and inwardly beautiful in the eyes of Christ. Erin does a fabulous job of narrating the stories to present the women (Hannah, Esther, Abigail, Ruth, Deborah) as the perfect role models, which is ironic because Erin is one of OUR role models!

Surrendering to ✝

“But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Indeed, I count all things as loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, of Whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ…and be found in Him…that I may know Him…” Philipians 3:7-10
