
M&H Articles

Milk and Honey Magazine explains the recipe for a fun, exciting, brilliant life!
23 Feb, 2017
I can tell you the perfect recipe for a ruined life, for the complete destruction of the great light within you; the...
Milk and Honey Magazine love and relationships advice on how to make a man fall in love. Let men do the chasing and keep them at arms length! Trust in Jesus, babygirl.
21 Feb, 2017
Standing in the Whole Foods check out line to pay for my already half-gone kombucha tea, I flipped through a popular...
milk and honey magazine
18 Feb, 2017
I think, for a long time, I got lost in someone else. When you let someone become your entire world, it feels like...
Milk and Honey Magazine explains how to become a strong woman - the woman you've always wanted to be!
16 Feb, 2017
I rediscovered an old book called “The Book of Me” from when I was six years old. ...
Milk and Honey Magazine interview with fitness expert Margeaux on diet, health, workout tips, and gym advice! She's such a superstar!
14 Feb, 2017
Fitness extraordinaire Margeaux Boudreaux ...
Milk and Honey Magazine explains why creativity  is crucial for young women to discover their passions, unwind, and enjoy life! Painting, singing, dancing, writing... find your creative outlet, dear princess!
12 Feb, 2017
Creative outlets are king. They help build relationships, learn more about who we are, and connects us to others in...
Milk and Honey Magazine explains to young women that they are ENOUGH. They are worthy and beautiful int he eyes of Jesus Christ. Trust in your beauty, capabilities, and passions!
09 Feb, 2017
Precious girl, I see you and I’m with you. You love hard and give generously. You dream big and serve well....
Milk and honey Magazine - You are not your body, sweetie. You are so much more! A lovely, grand, fabulous woman of God!
08 Feb, 2017
There is something the world is keeping hidden from you; a well-worn secret. They dress it up...
Milk and Honey Magazine explains to young women why singleness is a gift! God just hasn't brought your Mr. Right yet, lovely girl. Trust in Jesus and HAVE SOME FUN with your girlfriends!
06 Feb, 2017
I complain all the time about being single. How lonely it is, how annoying it is to not have a dance partner, how sad...
