Undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically; progress to maturity.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. – Romans 12:2
The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands. – Psalm 138:8
Is there anything more inspiring than women of God coming together to create for His glory?! That's what the ladies above did, crafting stories, music, lyrics, and art to detail the faithfulness of our God!
As I sit to write this, putting my past life into words has been a healing journey of saying goodbye to the old me. The old me, who I loved, but am more than okay not seeing again. Someone recently asked me if I could do it all again, would I still marry my ex-husband. That question struck me hard because I honestly didn’t know what I would say. If I hadn’t married him, would there be a lot less pain? Would I have done as much healing without myself and him breaking me down so that God could build me up? I probably will never have the answer, but that’s okay.
Eating disorders are thriving during the pandemic. Hotline calls to the National Eating Disorders Association are up 70-80% in recent months. A recent survey found 62% of women with anorexia experienced worsening symptoms as the pandemic hit. Those with binge eating disorder also experience heightened symptoms. Eating disorders are isolating to begin with, and here we are, isolating ourselves even more.
Everyone goes through hard times, at different times and for different reasons. Jesus even told us we would have troubles in this life (John 16:33). Maybe for you, something happened that you weren’t expecting. Maybe you’re confused as to what God is doing in your life. Maybe for whatever reason, things are just plain hard.
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
Hannah Kerr, famed singer/songwriter of 'Warrior' (below) and 'Ordinary,' is anything but ordinary. She wears her faith on her sleave, trusts God with her whole heart, and uses the gifts God's given her by encouraging young women all over the globe.
Instagram can easily be a sinister app that can consume our every spare moment if we let it. It is designed to be highly addictive and to keep you consuming its content for as long as possible which ultimately results in more advertising dollars for Facebook (which has owned Instagram since 2012). While there is nothing inherently wrong with using the app and while it has many benefits, it is important for our well-being and peace of mind to keep our usage in check.
Let’s go back a few years together. I was 14 years old, and I’d just lost 50 lbs in a matter of a couple months for no reason other than I'd basically stopped eating. I knew exactly how many calories I was eating at all times, I skipped social gathers where I knew I would be tempted to overindulge, I was in the gym every single day (slightly dizzy, but you better believe I was going to be there). I was consumed with my body image, and then I remember one day looking in the mirror and weighing myself. I was 5 ft. 10 in and 110 pounds. It freaked me out!