
Milk and Honey Magazine's questions for young women for self-reflection. God has a beautiful plan for you, dear!


They say the key to wisdom is knowing the right questions! The types of questions we ask ourselves determine the lives we live. Therefore, if we don't ask all the right (and sometimes hard) questions, we'll find ourselves on a road we never anticipated in the first place!

Milk and Honey Magazine milestones before age 30 for young women!

30 Milestones Before 30

There are few things more beautiful than a girl becoming a woman. Throughout our twenties, we are learning, growing, and shaping ourselves into the women we want to be for the rest of our years. Our twenties are the time to build a solid foundation, and it's a chance to discover what we're really made of. We have the ability to surprise ourselves, and by trying to new things, pushing ourselves to the limit, and edging outside of our comfort zone, we evolve. This is the time to grow our foundation. Although time is inevitable, not everyone makes the most of it.

Milk and Honey Magazine explains how to start a fashion business through faith in Jesus, determination, and hard work!

Starting a Company

It's always special to see young women of God making their dreams come true. Tiffany Wong did just that, founding the purse brand Velé with her friend, Lauren.

Tiffany has been a fashion buff since she was little, and she pursued her dream without turning back. Let's get to know the fabulous Tiffany and learn from her zeal!

Milk and Honey Magazine's advice on how to trust God through change as a young woman. He loves you!

Yearning for Change

Last week, I went on an epic road trip with some of my best friends from college. For some it was a grad trip; for all of us, it was a celebration of friendship and freedom and the beauty of our surroundings. Together we were closing a chapter of our lives, enjoying one last hurrah as a group before leaving for grad school or jobs in different cities.

Milk and Honey Magazine tips for young women on budgeting their money in a God-honoring way.

Breaking Down a Bad Budget

I don’t know about you, but paying taxes, choosing health insurance, and budgeting weren’t covered in my college skills class. When I graduated from college in 2015, I entered into life with my husband without a good grasp of how to navigate all of our bills, taxes, and other responsibilities.

This year, we’ve committed to breaking bad spending habits. If you use a credit or debit card as your main form of payment (and you probably do), you know how easy it is to swipe your card without thinking twice about it.

Milk and Honey Magazine interviews Danica, founder of Kale and Carrot Sticks, on overcoming disordered eating.

Overcoming Food Obsession

Los Angeles based Danica Frye, the creator of the hit blog Kale and Carrot Sticks (complete with a KILLER insta), is an inspiration for all women. As a business professional working in media, she created her platform to encourage women that they CAN pursue both a career and health at the same time, and that choosing wellness does not have to be complicated or expensive.

Milk and Honey Magazine's take on unleashing your creative outlet for the glory of God! Enjoy life, sweet girl. You were made to SHINE! xo

Let Your Creativity Shine

Mondays… am I right?

It seems that as we get older, many of us fall into the never-ending trap of working hard all week, living for the weekend, and then dreading the moment we must return to work. Occasionally we find things to look forward to mid-week, like fitness classes and happy hours, but for the most part our days become monotonous: eat, work, sleep, repeat.

Milk and Honey Magazine gives advice on how to encourage your girlfriends, remove gossip from your life, and invite new friends to join on adventures! Let's be loving daughters of Jesus Christ, babe.


Ahhh…it seems like just yesterday that I was rackin’ up my mom’s credit card debt at Target, buyin’ binders, ramen noodles, and a turquoise shower caddy for my quickly approaching college adventure. I remember hoping that, in addition to earning my Bachelor’s degree, I would obtain my MRS. Degree. Although I have yet to meet my future husband, God has provided me with my future bridesmaids. Friends who, first and foremost, set my eyes on Christ when life’s distractions threaten to tear my gaze from Him.

Milk and Honey Magazine explains how as women, we are MORE than just our resumé! There's nothing wrong with switching our careers, being patient and kind, and sticking to our morals!

You >Your Resumé

I am soon approaching my one year mark of graduation with already two jobs under my belt, and I do not feel disadvantaged, in fact, I feel encouraged! Encouraged to share 5 things that my jobs have taught me in the past year. This week has been especially telling, and has encouraged me to spend some time soul searching. With changes in my job, I have been forced to search for a new career, but am struggling to find a good fit. I know that I do not want to simply jump into a job because an offer was extended, yet I fear being too selective.

Milk and Honey Magazine advice to overcome an eating disorder knowing Jesus Christ loves you just because you're His daughter!!!

Conquering an Eating Disorder

I was thirteen years old when I learned what a calorie was.

I was always a slender child, largely in part to the organic and vegetarian food my mom kept around the house, but around the time of my eighth grade graduation, puberty and junk food joined forces to add a few extra pounds. It was the age of walking to Starbucks with friends to get frappucinos; buying king-size chocolate bars from 7-11; and eating pizza at youth group gatherings. I’d always been thin, so I took for granted that my figure wouldn’t change with my eating habits. 
