
Milk and Honey Magazine - you are capable of being your own person, lovely girl. God has a plan!

Yes - You're Capable

Flashback four years ago. My dear Alpha Phi sorority sister and I were in Calabasas, California enjoying a yummy dinner at Le Pain Quotidien, a magical little cafe accompanied by flickering candles, warm bread, and the occasional celebrity sitting next to you on the (very French) community tables.

Milk and Honey Magazine gives the details on how to survive a juice cleanse!

The Juicy Deets

Ladies and gentlemen, I have survived ...a juice cleanse, that is. I feel like juice cleansing is so typical for LA, NY, and Chicago natives (like me), but for those elsewhere who are curious about juice cleanses, I’m here to give you some info. There are TONS of companies out there who offer cleanses, and I really enjoy BluePrint and Suja. This time I decided to try Pressed Juicery!

Milk and Honey Magazine's advice on how to be a Godly, loving, lovely woman on faith!

Velvet Coated Steel

Figure out the type of woman you want to become, and then become her.

Milk and Honey Magazine's reasons why to NOT settle on Mr. Wrong! Wait for Mr. Right, the one Jesus has for you!

Waiting on "The One"

I'm a total foodie, so naturally one of my favorite things to do is cook. Not so much bake – but cook. I love cooking pesto chicken and lemon baked tilapia and roasted acorn squash and turkey meatballs and, well, basically anything nourishing and healthy.

So, yes, I like to cook. One problem I often have, however, is how expensive food can be! Especially considering I like to buy organic, healthy foods as much as possible.

Milk and Honey Magazine wants young women to be set apart for God!

Ditchin' the Crowds

The religion of this world is conformity. That being said, it's sometimes hard living as a 24 year old gal trying to find my place. I obviously don't want to be an oddball, but I want to make informed, wise decisions to pave a strong foundation for my life.

I want to be my own person and follow God's call wherever He leads no matter how silly I may look to others. But frankly, when we look closer at "normality" in todays society - they're often the silly ones.
